Who Went To

Sometimes, reality stars real life drama gets just a bit TOO real! 

Teresa Giudice 

Along with her then husband Joe, the ’Real Housewives Of NJ’ star spent 15 months in jail for being found guilty of 41 counts of fraud.

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino 

 The ‘Jersey Shore’ star served time behind bars for tax evasion in 2018 and spent 8 months in jail.

Abby Lee Miller

‘Dance Moms’ star was indicted on bankruptcy fraud in 2015 and spent a year in prison.

Amber Portwood

The ‘Teen Mom’ star served 16 months of a 5 year prison sentence in 2013 on drug-related charges.

Lindsay Lohan

The infamous bad girl of the 2000’s spent 14 days in jail in 2015 and 84 mins in 2020. 

Paris Hilton

The heiress wasn’t living the ‘Simple Life’ when she went to jail in 2007 for violating the terms of her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.