Fried Rice


How To Make The Delicious Side Dish

If you love fried rice, you might be surprised to learn you can make it at home fairly easily – and it will taste better than take-out! Let us show you how!

First, you’ll need the main ingredient: rice! Use whatever kind you like, but the key is to make it ahead of time. Day old rice is best; you can even use leftovers from takeout night!

Next, you’ll want some veggies. Traditionally, fried rice has onions, peas, and carrots – but if you want to get wild, add things like cabbage, broccoli, or even cauliflower!

To give the dish some protein without any chicken or beef, opt to include an egg in your fried rice.

Lastly, you’ll need two Asian sauces for the right flavor: Sesame Oil and Soy Sauce.

Now, it’s time to cook! Grab a skillet or wok, if you have one, and heat it up. When it’s nice a hot, put in some sesame oil to start cooking.

You’ll start with you veggies, but once they are good and tender, push them to the side so you can cook your egg.

Now, time for the star! Put the rice in and mix with everything, pouring soy sauce over the mixture as you go. Don’t go too heavy – you can always add more later.

And voila!

You’re dish is complete!

Now, how about a drink?  Here’s a recipe for a fun cosmo!

Photos Courtesy of Adobe.