Muggles and Wizards alike will have the unique opportunity of venturing deep into the magical world of Harry Potter as the Forbidden Forest Experience opens in the US Fall of 2022.

HollywoodLife got a sneak peek at the experience in Westchester, NY, and here are just some of the amazing things we saw!

The nighttime experience invites guests to walk through beautifully illuminated trails that feature music from the films, as well as some very special friends.

Whether you love Nifflers or Unicorns or even Pygmy Puffs, you’ll meet all sorts of magical creatures on your journey.

But don’t rush! Some of your favorite creatures will be hiding along the path, like the Bowtruckles! 


There are also tons of interactive elements to enjoy, including wand dueling and conjuring your own Patronus!

But beware! The forest is also home to dark and dangerous creatures. Make sure to keep your wits about ya!

As you trek through the forest, you’ll definitely work up an appetite, and there’s plenty to enjoy: from hot chocolate to tasty cakes and yes, even Butterbeer!

will debut in two cities in October 2022: Westchester, NY, and Leesburg, VA.

Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience 

For any true Harry Potter fan, it is an experience not to be missed! Grab a lantern and join Hagrid and friends on a thrilling adventure!

(And bring a coat, it’ll be chilly!)

Tickets are on sale and dates continue into January 2023

See The Star Of Harry Potter All Grown Up Today!

Images  and video courtesy of Dina Sartore-Bodo