Craft DIY: How to Make A House Colored Friendship Bracelet

Calling all Muggles and Wizards alike! Here’s a great little craft to show off your House pride from the new book, ‘Crafting Wizardry’.

Here’s how you can make your own Hogwarts House Pride Bracelets, using a technique call macrame.

First, supplies: you’ll need embroidery floss in the colors of your choice, a measuring tool, scissors, and masking tape.

You’ll need 9 strands — 3 of the dark-colored floss and 6 of the lighter color flosses. Now, it’s time to get to work.

Gather the string and tie a single overhand knot at theta. Tape the knot on the flat surface and separate the string as so.

You’ll need to learn two basic knots to make this bracelet: forward knots and backward knots. You can see here the steps for doing a forward knot.

And now, the backward knot. This project actually uses double knots, so be careful!

Alternating sides, starting with the left strings, you’ll make forward knots across the rows. When you move to the right, you’ll move into the backward knots.

Once you’ve finished the knots all the way down, you’ll braid the ends to complete the look of a Hogwarts scarf!