Simple, Last-Minute Group



Halloween is the best night of the year, but it can creep on you fast! If your group of friends is looking for costume ideas to pull together last minute, here are some fun ideas!

Yellow shirt, overalls, maybe get some crazy eyes and you’re all set!


Color choices are endless, just make sure to make yourself a pointy hat!


Same rules apply, just iron on the logo to a colorful shirt for a bag full of fun!


Everyone has a flannel shirt, so bust it out, stuff your sleeves with straw and make your faceup fun!


Go OG or come up with your own characters! Cranky, Fluffy & more!

The Seven Dwarves

Grab a yellow shirt and some fabric markers and everyone  take an emotion!

Emoji Faces

Need A Last Minute Costume Just For Yourself? Check These Out!

Photos Courtesy of Adobe & Shutterstock