Bonnie Says: Katherine Heigl & Josh Duhamel's New Movie 'Life As We Know It' Is This Year's 'Knocked Up' Lite!

You really don’t need to run to see new mom Katherine Heigl’s new film about becoming an unplanned adoptive mom.

While the movie isn’t as stinky as a dirty diaper, neither is it as euphoric an experience as giving birth can be.

Instead, Life As We Know It is kind of like a baby — it’s cute. It starts off adorable with an unpromising date between attractive, ambitious, type-A caterer Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) and a laid-back playboy, sports TV camera man Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel.) They’ve been set up by their best friends — a perfectly in love couple, Peter Novak (Hayes MacArthur) and wife Alison, played by appealing curvy girl Christina Hendricks.

Holly and Messer’s date turns disastrous, but they have to tolerate each other at future events they can’t avoid — all because of their very dear best friends.

Their friends marry and have a baby girl — but then disaster strikes and they’re killed in a car accident. Can you guess what happens next? Yes, the unlikely Holly and Messer are left with an adorable baby they’re supposed to raise.

Many adventures and misadventures ensue. And yes, there are laughs, as well as charm and entertainment — BUT all I kept thinking during the entire film was: Why didn’t they just hire a babysitter or find a daycare? Come on, even Diane Keaton in 1987’s Baby Boom — one of my favorite funny movies of all time — hired a nanny!

Bottom line: If you love a poopy diaper joke, you’ll love Life As We Know It!


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