HS Student’s Hilarious Story About Psycho Ex ‘Lil Lunatic’ Has Twitter Cracking Up

This is the best story you’ll read on the Internet all day! A Twitter user named Omar spent hours relaying a story about his ‘psycho ex,’ who he refers to as ‘Lil Lunatic’ on the social media site, and people cannot get enough of it!

“Y’all trynna hear a story about my psycho ex?” a Twitter user, Omar, with the handle #Hoemar___ tweeted on May 30. When he was overwhelmed with ‘yes’ responses, he began to tell the story in detail, and it was crazier than anyone could even imagine. Omar met his girlfriend in English class and eventually asked her out. He said things started out great, but once his football season began, everything spiraled out of control. It started with her just getting angry at him for putting football first, but eventually turned into her getting into jealous rages when he would take pictures with girls after the games and even when he was seated next to girls in class.

“She told the teacher to sit me with her or with boys. Like tf?” Omar wrote. “Teacher obviously didn’t listen to her crazy ass so she brought her mom to talk to the principal. LIKE WTF.” Then, at homecoming, Omar won Homecoming King, and the ‘psycho ex’ wouldn’t even allow him to take photos or dance with the Queen! He tried to end things, but she threw a “damn fit” right at the dance. Things got even wilder when he went to a family barbecue a few days later, though. She showed up and accused him of cheating on her with his 52-year-old aunt, and freaked out that the girls at the reunion weren’t even his actual cousins.

Apparently, the girlfriend went nuts, and he didn’t want her driving home alone, so Omar went with her. She was in such a rage, though, that she started driving on the wrong side of the road when he told her he wanted to end things. For fear of his life, he eventually took her back. Things were good for a bit, and they went on spring break together, where, Omar said, his “lil lunatic looked hella good.” Immediately, ‘lil lunatic’ began trending on Twitter, and he started referring to his ex that way for the rest of the story.


Things once again took a downward turn after another jealous freakout on spring break, but the ‘lil lunatic’ began taking anger management and seemed to get things in control. However, when Omar went to her house to surprise her with a gift on their 1.5 year anniversary, he walked in on her hooking up with one of his female cousins from the reunion!

Eventually, Omar also found out the ex had threatened and paid off his prom date to stand him up before the dance. Then, she showed up with the cousin to another family reunion, got down on one knee, and proposed to Omar. When he said no, she turned around and popped the question to the female cousin! Now, Omar’s ex and cousin are getting married on August 19! “Moral of this story: Don’t date a lil lunatic cause she’ll turn to a lil lesbo real quick and propose to yo cousin after you tell her no,” Omar concluded. WHOA!

HollywoodLifers, what do you think of Omar’s story about Lil Lunatic?!

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