Multivitamins: Can They Cause Miscarriage? New Study

Could women’s everyday multivitamins be dangerous for pregnant women? A new study shockingly suggests that this may be the case, and that miscarriage is a third more likely when expectant mothers take daily supplements.

A new study released on Jan. 21 from the University of Southern Denmark suggests that women who are trying to conceive that also take regular multivitamins may be at increased risk for miscarriage and other fetal issues. A study of over 35,000 pregnant women found a correlation between an early loss of pregnancy and regular dosage of multivitamins that had no link to other miscarriage factors.

Multivitamins Miscarriage Study: Daily Supplements Linked To Pregnancy Losses?

Many women who are trying to become pregnant are advised to take a daily multi-vitamin, to boost the body’s vitality and increase chances of becoming pregnant and having a healthy baby.

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However, a new study claims that multivitamins might actually harm a growing fetus and could even lead to miscarriage. The International Journal of Epidemiology looked at 35,914 women in the Danish National Birth Cohort, who took a multivitamin regularly for at least 12 weeks before conception. Losses of the fetus decreased when women took daily vitamins after conception in comparison to increased losses with vitamin usage before conception, according to the study’s findings.

“We found a modest but consistent increased risk of early fetal death in multivitamin users, especially in women with a regular pre-conceptional intake,” authors explained in the article, reported The Daily Mail.

Multivitamin Study Prompts Further Investigation

Even though there was evidence of increased risk of miscarriage, not enough studies were conducted to definitively say that the use of multi-vitamins increases the risk of miscarriage. Many of the vitamins in a daily supplement are actually good for fetal health and are recommended by doctors. For example, Vitamins C, D, and B9 decrease the risk of spin bifida (split spine) by up to 70%.

Professor Lucilla Poston, head of the Division of Women’s Health at King’s College, London, encouraged women to take this study’s new information with a grain of salt, as correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation.

“It is critical that the data are not interpreted as evidence against current recommendations for folate supplementation,” she said of the study, reported Mail Online. “The authors rightly recommend that further studies are needed. In the meantime, supplements should be taken in accordance with current clinical guidelines.’

What do YOU think of this study, HollyMoms? Do you take daily multivitamins?

— Sabina Young 

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