Robert Pattinson Says Edward & Bella WILL Divorce – Oh No

Edward and Bella didn’t exactly have a smooth start to their marriage in ‘Breaking Dawn Part I.’ And with an eternity to go, Rob reveals the pair could end up eventually parting ways! Do you believe him?

They say the first year of marriage is the hardest and this couldn’t be more true for vampire couple Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart). And with hundreds and hundreds of marriage years left, Rob says a divorce is likely.

“That’s what’s going to happen,” he told E! at the Breaking Dawn LA premiere. “That’s the only option.”

Oh no! Way to sound confident about your onscreen (and off screen?) marriage Rob! And K-Stew agrees…

“I think it’s technically possible,” she says. “But I can’t really answer that question. It’s too sad.”

Yeah, that would be absolutely devastating!

But if for some reason they did do the D-word — who would be the one to destroy their marriage besides the Volturi? Edward’s mom Esme Cullen (Elizbaeth Reaser) says it would be Bella.

“I think Bella would stray if anyone was going to,” Elizbaeth tells E!. “I don’t think either of them will, but she’s so young. I mean, Edward’s got like a hundred years on her.”

What do you think, Hollywoodlifers? Could Edward and Bella divorce? Vote and weigh in below!

— Nicole Karlis

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