Love Them Or Loathe Them: How Do You Feel About Baby Showers?

As their second trimester comes to an end HollyBaby blogger Sarah prepares for her her baby bhower.

Let’s be honest, until you’ve had a kid, the enthusiasm of opening a baby shower invite isn’t quite the highlight of your month. And I’m pretty sure most of my friends would prefer shopping for Jimmy Choos over Bumbos. Originally I felt bad since it had only been a little over 2 years since my onslaught of bridal showers and wedding events, but once I walked into Buy Buy Baby and saw how much a breast pump cost, it was ON!I did what I felt was appropriate and registered at a national and local store. They both had “What You Need” guides that I automatically cut down to half.  At the time of registering I still didn’t know the baby’s gender so I went with whites and yellows for clothes and a gender neutral nursery theme. By the time the invites were ordered and sent out ( is AMAZING) there was nothing left to do but sit back and check my registry every 20 minutes to see what was being purchased. Judge me all you want, but you know you do it too.

By the time the big day arrived, I just had to get dressed (this is now 10 times more of a project than it used to be) and show up and smile. My sister informed me, “Since you weren’t allowed to eat at your bridal shower due to the ridiculousness that was your diet, we’ll be having lots of food there today.”  The first thought that went through my head was: “I wonder how many of my friends are coming just to see how fat I got?” I figured 3-5.

The day was beautiful and I really learned a lot; my life would be hell if the baby didn’t have a “Sophie”, boys need something called a “pee-pee tee-pee” and a Diaper Genie isn’t a service that comes in and changes the baby but rather a machine that you put diapers in one end and when you empty it a sausage-like chain of diapers comes out. This will take Neil a minimum of two weeks to figure out.

I know that my days of happy hours and late night karaoke sessions have come to an end, I didn’t need a baby shower to tell me that. I think for the first time, opening boxes filled with tiny socks and onesies, I realized that these things now bring me more joy than I ever thought they could. I can’t wait to meet my little guy and use all the lovely gifts my friends and family have showered him with. On a personal level though, my breast pump still intimidates the hell out of me.

And where was Neil during all the festivities?  Playing golf.

Sarah Main

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