Law And Order’s Elisabeth Rohm Gained 75 Pounds When She Was Pregnant!

Nubuzz PhotoElisabeth Rohm endulged in pints of ice cream every night when she was pregnant — “I was the happiest pregnant person.” But even her doctor told her that she’d gone a little overboard!

Of course, every woman who’s expecting a baby puts on weight, but Elisabeth Rohm, 37, pushed the limit a bit and packed on 70 to 75 pounds when she was expecting her now 2-year-old daughter, Easton. Did she mind? Not at all! “I was a ripe 200 pounds when I gave birth to Easton,” Elisabeth tells The New York Observer’s Playground magazine. “I dove into a pint of ice cream every night, I will admit. I was not moody, was not crazy; I was relaxed and happy. In truth, putting on the weight was healthy for me at the time.”

Elisabeth’s doctor was worried that she had gained too much weight, but he eased her mind by saying “the body really knows what it needs to create this baby.” asked celebrity wellness coach Jackie Keller how healthy it was for a woman to overindulge while there is a baby on board and she was quick to point out that pregnant women only need to consume 300 extra calories a day. “That whole eating for two concept is a myth,” Jackie tells us. “In order to ensure the fetus develops properly, those extra calories should come in the form of low-fat calcium-rich dairy products, whole grain carbohydrates, lean proteins and vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables.”

After Easton was born, Elisabeth took her time shedding the baby weight. “I went back to exercising a few months after Easton was born,” she says. “I enjoyed being home with Easton and not worrying about running back to a gym, then started to do a little yoga. I approached my weight loss without a race, I took my time; if you’re happy, you have a happy baby!”

–Leigh Blickley

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