EXCLUSIVE! Experts Weigh In: SJP ‘May Not Be Consuming Sufficient Calories!’


SJP, you’ve been looking super skinny lately. Should we be worried?

We are seriously concerned about Sex And The City 2 star Sarah Jessica Parker‘s health! Even though she has always been super petite, lately she’s been looking even more thin and we’re worried that this may be causing negative health effects. We reached out to our health and fitness experts, and they agree: “Seeing her body type, one could speculate she may not be consuming sufficient calories to achieve that desired weight,” says Marissa Lippert, registered dietitian and author of The Cheater’s Diet.

“It’s a combination of her being a petite person,” Marissa says of the 45-year-old actress. “But, her calorie consumption could definitely be on the low end.”

“I would estimate [she has] anywhere from 11-13 percent body fat,” Marissa continues. It’s “definitely on the lower end — the average American female has 20-25 percent body fat.”

Experts figure SJP weighs about 105 pounds and at 5’4″ this isn’t the healthiest body ratio. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), a woman fitting these proportions has a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 18 indicating that her weight “is in the underweight category for adults of her height.” A “normal weight range would be from 108 to 145 pounds with an 18.5-24.9 BMI.”

At this low end of weight spectrum, many negative health implications may result. Marissa says that “absence of menstrual cycles, density loss of bones, more potential for breakage of bones, and a precursor to brittle bones and osteoporosis” may be just some of the effects of malnutrition.

Even if SJP is getting all of the calories she needs, one thing is for sure: “She’s so petite that a two pound weight loss looks like a big deal” (Keri Glassman, author of the O2 Diet)!

SJP — we hope you’re OK!

— Lindsey DiMattina, reporting by Spencer Cain

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